“Osama Bin Laden is dead”

All the news items that are there start off with the same line that he was hiding in the city of Abbottabad, 30 miles from the capital Islamabad. And all those around the world are now questioning the ever denying of Pakistan that he is not in Pakistan. The question is, who knows maybe he had been hidden there by both CIA and ISI and since Pakistan has been asking US to limit the number of CIA contractors and to keep drone attacks at bay or maybe some other thing must have come up that made US to unilaterally carry out the operation so as to show how effective Pakistan’s ISI and Army is.

The kind of news items appeared soon after were much of a laughing stock for the US.  As the pictures were said to be fake, then there was this DNA test results, which take 48 hours to come out, just sprang from the scene. Plus the much hasted burial at the sea. All these things leave hundreds of questions unanswered.

There are people who are saying that he is the one man who has hijacked our beloved religion the most in the past millennium or so. Just a question to all those people out there, was it just him or even the political leaders of the Muslim world. I mean has he done much damage or has the “enlightened moderation” done more damage. When 9/11 happened and when Mulla Omer proposed to have a fair trial in a neutral country then, why did US back out from it? When the whole 9/11 sham has been exposed, okay… forget it. Was it fair on the part of US to bomb thousands of innocent civilians just to get one man killed?

Osama bin Laden went to Afghanistan two weeks after the Russian invasion, and America jumped in two years after the invasion, how can one be sure if Osama was trained and sent there by the US who knew from day one that Afghanis with few arms and almost no technology will stand their ground and keep Russia at bay for a couple of years without their help and later they’d jump in to help them first hand.

No matter what the outside world says, all I am going to say is there sure is something about those handful of people who (unlike our army, politicians and leaders), are still fighting the US and NATO troops with fewer arms and almost no technology. I side with them who live in caves, fight them and have stood their ground for ten years. US and NATO having all the technology in the world, still lacks that one thing which drags them into psychological downfalls and they commit heinous crimes against poor civilians; keeping part of their bodies as trophies, killing for no reason, sexually harassing people before shooting them countless times in their heads! Bravo!

Last but not the least, US now is saying again and again that they got clues from Guantanamo prisoners. And that be to justify all the various ways of torture they put to practice against the prisoners there. wow! How can one ever forget Abu Ghraib prison and what happened there. This is how US thinks justice should be done by treating the rest of the world like worms. They still think we, Muslims, are cannibals, whiteman’s burden that can never learn the art of being human.

For Muslims out there, read the article of Orya Maqbool Jaan. And remember this is the time when we will be tested and our eimaan would be put to test. I pray to Allah that may He keep us on the right path and may be stand our ground till the moment death seize us. Ameen