My Hero

There was no one like Umar (radiAllahu anhu)!

The Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alaehi wassallam) said, the path that Umar chooses to walk on, Satan runs away from it.

When I feel desperate, depressed and anxious, I become a very bitter person even when I don’t want to. I want that bitterness to channel into something which is positive, yet I fail at it and I indulge in YouTube and Pinterest trying to deviate myself from the ongoing events.

In the midst of all the depression and anxiety and bitterness and harshness that my heart was filled with, and life felt like not going anywhere, I prayed today after my Salah that, ‘ Please… O Supreme Being!!!fill my heart with contentment.’ And I was for very this reason the stories of reverts came up on my youtube wall and I stumbled upon the story of the second Khalifa Umar ( radiaAllahu anhu). Subhan Allah.

I have no idea how but Allah’s work is amazing when it comes to filling your heart with the love of people whom sometimes you barely know. And SubhanAllah, clearly one of the signs of Allah that he has instilled the love of those who sacrificed their everything for Allah, in our hearts even though we haven’t seen them, haven’t met them. We love them because the Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alaehi wasallam) loved them. We love them because they loved the Prophet the way he deserved to be loved. And we admire them for their unwavering belief, commitments. And we want to be like them knowing fully well that we can never be like them but they are our heroes and our models. SubhanAllah.

We feel down low when minute things hit us, and we fail to get out of that misery and we think life is unjust and unfair. But when we hear the story of these people, and how they lived and how much they sacrificed, we see how little we are as a person, how little we are as humans and in the pit of our hearts, how little faith we have in our Rabb.

May Allah protect us all and save our hearts from turning into stones and fill our hearts with love for those whom He love. Ameen.