
What is love?

How would you know that you love someone??

I am not talking about the love that is predicted on TV shows or movies or in trashy novels. I am talking about the love that one person feels for another without expecting anything in return. The kind that could be termed unconditional.

Have you ever woken up at tahajjud and prayed for someone else? Have you cried in front of your Lord and prayed for someone? Have you seen the Kaa’bah and asked something for them without asking anything in return?? Have you prayed for someone to be with you in Jannah too?


I used to be jealous of my cousins(maternal) beacuse my mum used to light up every time she used to see them and in turn they were head over heels in love with their phuppo (aunt). An they used to eat from her hands, sleep with her; she uses to tell them stories and they used to play together. It was not as if she never did everything with us but we were grown ups while her nieces and nephews were very young (still are). The point I’m trying to make here is that it seems as if a special love is there in her heart for her nephews and nieces. And now that I have my own nephews, I can understand that special love because it fills my heart with joy and pride and the feeling is just unbelievable.  It seems as if somone has filled your heart with this emotion that is not only unfathomable but also it cannot be contained in my bosom.  The joy of being a mother is something miraculous but the love for the kids of my brothers is just… it is incomprehensibly miraculous as welll… clearly a sign of Allah as He fills your heart with love of other people.  🙂


“Near the brick grave there was a tomb erected very soon after the flood for two bodies that were found in close embrace, and it was visited at different moments by two men who both felt that their keenest joy and keenest sorrow were forever buried there.
One of them visited the tomb again with a sweet face beside him – but that was years after.
The other was always solitary. His great companionship was among the trees of the Red Deeps, where the buried joy seemed still to hover like a revisiting spirit.”